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The perfect award/gift for:
Bar Dart or Pool Leagues
Bowling Tournaments
Team Events
Turkey Bowls
Family Gifts
Golf Outings
Pickleball Tournaments/Leagues
Trivia Contests
Game Night Championships
Bridal Parties
Novelty Gifts
Tailgate Events
Employee Recognition
“I know a guy who could use this” Gift
And all willing Barticipants
All Barticipation Awards™ include the topper/figure of your choice, and the handmade award base. We have over 70 fun and funny toppers to choose from, including double toppers. And...we can do a custom plates for the award base as well.
Plus you get a 20% discount for orders of three or more awards. How cool is that?
The one and only Barticipation Award ®

In recognition of anyone who barticipates. It’s a trophy. It’s a bottle opener.
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